Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Clairvoyance Readings - What is it & how they do it

Clairvoyance is one of the most important psychic abilities and means "clear vision". This psychic capability empowers you to tap into the understanding of your depth and the collective knowledge of all souls in the the universe, including past souls and those not yet demonstrated.

At the psychics' readings, you can expect anything - they can tell you about the images they see, images that might show the current situation or how it is likely to develop, or they can tell you what types of emotions are associated with the situation, along with what types of vibrations and energies the the situation might attract. 

Clairvoyance does not always rise and does not always appear in a dramatic way. Perhaps you do not have an extended dream or clear vision. Usually, it is much more subtle than that and there are many clairvoyant people walking around this world who don't even know they have this super cool psychic gift.

Clairvoyants tend to give detailed answers and insights when they ask open questions, as their clairvoyant senses are not limited and can help them to freely associate all feelings and insights that come to the surface of their consciousness with and during the present reading. In our experience, it is better to ask a series of open questions and explore the subject from different perspectives than to ask yes/no questions.

Flashes of light and colour often serve as a sign that Higher Spirits who are in heaven or other members of your spiritual team are around you. A spirit may seek your attention in order to pass on important information. You might see:

- Floating spheres or coloured spots in the space around you
- Shadows that seem to float in the air
- Glittering or flashing lights in the room around you
- Movement and flashing lights in the corners of your eyes.

All clairvoyants, readers, fortune tellers and all other clairvoyance practitioners may need a few moments to tune in and centre their attention. It's only natural - think of it this way: If you are looking at a painting for the first time in a museum, you too would need some time to perceive all the colours, themes and details. You would have to take a step back to see the whole painting, and then zoom in more to explore smaller details - that's only natural with clairvoyants.

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